Every morning we pick up our phone and with the touch of a finger the screen lights up, showing a considerable number of notifications and alerts. In most cases we hope to have our unread emails down to zero by lunch, but with a meeting here and a crisis there, all too often that number has only grown. Learn how to get on top of your email and reach inbox zero with Spark.
Finding your way to inbox zero
According to Campaign Monitor, an average worker sends and receives 121 emails per day. Going at least two days without tending your inbox makes it nearly impossible to get a handle on your email account. And once the storm is out of hand, it’s tough to find the time to manage your inbox.
Without a well-thought approach, we’re left to tackle an overflowing inbox in a rush during a coffee break. The only right way to win the battle is to build a workflow for your emails. Only one question remains - How? Spark takes a fresh approach to email, with an interface that prioritizes features that deliver on core values: focusing on important tasks, removing distractions and organizing your inbox.
Identify priority emails with an Updated Smart Inbox
The crucial function of Spark’s Smart Inbox is that it separates priority emails from non-priority emails. Your non-priority emails are automatically stored in separate notification and newsletter folders. Meaning you have a clear point to start from. Thinking about your workflow, you can start with your inbox that focuses on priority email. Then you can tackle clearing your newsletter and notifications folders. Now it's easier and less overwhelming to work through the important stuff.
Work through your inbox quickly with Mark as Done & Set Aside
These features go hand-in-hand and make reaching inbox zero a habit, by encouraging an active approach to sorting your email. You can scan through your emails and use the Set Aside button to move any interesting articles or actionable notifications aside for review at a more convenient time. Now, you know the rest can be cleared in one go — so you can bulk Mark as Done to archive any remaining emails and reach inbox zero.
Make email work for you with Snooze, Send Later & Reminders
It’s worthwhile making use of tools that help free up space in your inbox. Snooze pauses non-urgent communications and arranges for them to resurface at a more convenient time. Send Later respects your team’s work-life balance and makes working across time zones easier with delayed sending. And Reminders ensures tasks are closed and issues resolved with follow ups to unanswered queries.
Learn quick actions with Command Center
You can get speed on your side with Spark’s Command Center, a pop-up providing fast access to the shortcuts you need the most. By pressing Command + K / Control + K you can access a list of shortcut keys tailored to your personal use of Spark. You can quickly scroll through to discover actions that you might not have been aware of.
Take a scroll through for yourself and see what new actions you might find. Here are a few top tips to speed up your email process:
- Move to (Command + Shift + M): Move selected email to another folder
- Set Aside (Command + G): Move an email to the Set Aside folder for later
- Priority (Command + I): Mark a contact as priority to improve visibility
- Pin (Command + D): Pin an important conversation to the top of your inbox
You’ll be at inbox zero in no time
It's not necessary to love your inbox. The sheer volume of emails we face daily can be staggering. We've experienced this ourselves, and that's why the Readdle team improved Spark with a bunch of new features. Download Spark today, and let’s hit Inbox Zero together!