

Spark expands beyond email with a Calendar and Meeting Notes

At Spark, we continue to pioneer email with forward-thinking innovations that tackle the core concerns of modern workers. We started with Spark Classic by making email smart and improving team collaboration. We then built on these principles with the release of Spark 3, creating a more focused email experience and introducing a range of AI-powered tools.

With our latest updates, we are taking on a new frontier - the overwhelm caused by packed schedules of back-to-back meetings and a constant stream of workplace requests. In many cases the very collaboration tools that were supposed to enable us are hampering our productivity and our well-being. Now, with innovations beyond email in mind, Spark is empowering users to achieve beyond their inbox with an integrated smart Calendar and Meeting Notes that transcribe your video calls.

“From our research into executive habits, we’ve identified an opportunity to tackle productivity killers - many of which go beyond email. Users can now manage their emails, meetings, and calendars directly from Spark. This eliminates the complexity associated with switching between multiple apps, saving you time and energy in the process. Spark is committed to helping executives reclaim time lost to low-value tasks, allowing them to focus on their highest-value activities.”  
- Alex Tyagulsky, Head of Spark. 

Having recently released our integrated Calendar, we are gradually rolling out a set of complementary tools that improve meeting efficiency beyond the user's inbox. Let's take a look at what these tools deliver:

Spark's Calendar

Spark's Calendar seamlessly integrates with your email to simplify scheduling and meeting management. 

Save time: View your schedule from within Spark or create events from the Command Center.

One-click setup: Enable integration with Google Meet or Zoom within Spark and add meeting links to your events with just one click.

Cross-platform synchronization: Keep your schedules aligned in your Google, Microsoft Exchange, and iCloud calendars across all devices where Spark is installed. 

Calendar Scheduling

Advanced scheduling tools will allow you to manage and coordinate multiple calendars with ease. 
Share my availability: Easily share your available times from the calendar and suggest the best time to meet, making it simpler to schedule meetings.

Meet with: Easily search for available time slots for appointments across the calendars of all potential attendees. Available for Gmail and Outlook providers.

Scheduling link: Set up and share the link to your availability schedule with anyone, allowing them to book a meeting with you in a few clicks.

Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes will eliminate the need for manual note-taking by generating detailed transcripts and summaries so that you can stay fully present in your meetings. 

Spark’s new set of tools will help you take a few more moments for yourself rather than losing time planning and coordinating with your colleagues. Gone are the days of back-and-forth communications as you try to schedule your calendar with somebody else’s availability. So whether you’re a Marketer, Product Manager, Recruiter, or even a Journalist, the rise of a new breed of work pressures means Spark is evolving its suite of tools to help. Try Spark today and achieve beyond your inbox. 

*Calendar Scheduling and Meeting Notes are currently in beta and will be rolled out over the summer.

The Readdle Team The Readdle Team


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