Email marketing remains a vital tool in the digital marketer's toolkit, but its success largely hinges on timing. While crafting a compelling message is crucial, knowing the best time to send emails can significantly enhance your campaign's effectiveness. With varying advice and theories circulating, we've delved into the data to provide you with evidence-backed insights into the best time to send an email for maximum engagement.

The best time to send email: what data tells us 

The digital era has provided us with vast datasets to analyze and understand user behavior. The best time to send an email can differ based on your audience's demographics, habits, and time zones. So while there is no definitive one-size-fits-all answer, a consistent pattern emerges when we look at the best time to send emails:  

  • 13:00 / 1PM is frequently cited as a prime time. 
  • For B2B emails, sending between Tuesday and Thursday, just before the lunch hour (around 12PM to 1PM), often yields the best results.
  • For B2C emails, especially those targeting consumers who check their email in the evenings, a slot between 7PM to 9PM might work better.

During a typical workday, many users check their emails upon arriving at work, but the influx of morning tasks often means these emails are skimmed or saved for later. As lunchtime approaches, there's a shift in focus. People take breaks and are more likely to engage with non-work-related content – making it a strategic window for sending emails.

Different industries also witness varying peak times. For retail, weekends can see a surge in engagement as consumers engage in shopping activities. In contrast, weekdays, particularly mid-week, are optimal for professional services where emails are checked during business hours.

Frequency and consistency in sending emails 

While timing is important, so is consistency. Establishing a predictable schedule helps your audience anticipate your emails, which can improve open rates. Sending weekly or bi-monthly at a regular time helps build this expectation.

Segmentation and A/B Testing 

Segmentation is another crucial factor. Dividing your audience based on their engagement patterns and testing various sending times (A/B testing) can reveal more nuanced insights into the best time to send emails to different segments.

Perfecting the send time of your email campaigns is a subtle art. While 1PM might be the overall best time to send emails, the key is understanding your audience and being willing to adapt your strategy based on their habits. Stay informed with the latest data, keep testing, and adjust your approach for the best possible engagement rates. By doing so, you ensure that when the question arises - when is the best time to send an email - you'll have the answer that fits your audience perfectly.