Version 3.16.8

Release updates 07/25/2024:

Hello everyone,
Today’s update brings you important fixes to Spark along with the Calendar feature improvements

- Calendar Month View: A new calendar month view was added for better event management.
- Event Autocomplete: Now you can autocomplete event details by copying from previous events, saving time and effort.
- Zoom Reset Alias: Added ‘Zoom reset’ alias to ‘Actual size’ in Command Centre, making it easier to reset zoom settings.

- Attachment Issue: Fixed the issue where attachments with Cyrillic symbols couldn’t be sent to chat on Windows.
- Zoom Retry Button: Resolved the problem of the Zoom retry button not working after returning from the web without authorization.
- Context Menu Access: Fixed the context menu access issue on the same event when the preview is open.
- Event Time Entry: Fixed incorrect entry of event end hour when changing it with keyboard digits.
- All-Day Event Date: Corrected the incorrect date displayed for newly created all-day events after converting a single event to all-day with a checkmark.
- Prompt Display in History +AI: Fixed the issue where prompts written with MWS were not displayed in History +AI.
- Zoom Shortcut: Fixed the non-working shortcut for Zoom in.
- GK Card Icons: Corrected the size of icons in GK card, making them larger.
- Completed Email Search: Improved the searchability of completed “Assigned to Me” emails that received new emails.

Thank you for choosing Spark! We value your feedback. Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions.

Version 3.16.7

Release updates 07/05/2024:

Hey everyone,
In this update we’ve made some improvements and resolved several bugs:
• Shortcuts for composer and navigational shortcuts are back
• All-day events can now be converted to regular events and vice versa
• Expanded Note field in Calendar event dialog
• Fixed calendar crash issues
• Corrected email address in ‘To:’ field when replying to forwarded emails
• Resolved issue with shortcuts for Inbox and Calendar events not displaying
• Fixed custom recurring event modal closure issue

Thank you for choosing Spark! We value your feedback. Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions.

Version 3.16.6

Release updates 07/04/2024:

Hey everyone,
In this update we’ve made some improvements and resolved several bugs:
• Shortcuts for composer and navigational shortcuts are back
• All-day events can now be converted to regular events and vice versa
• Expanded Note field in Calendar event dialog
• Fixed calendar crash issues
• Corrected email address in ‘To:’ field when replying to forwarded emails
• Resolved issue with shortcuts for Inbox and Calendar events not displaying
• Fixed custom recurring event modal closure issue

Thank you for choosing Spark! We value your feedback. Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions.

Version 3.16.5

Release updates 06/20/2024:

Hello everyone,

In this update we’ve made some improvements and resolved several bugs:

- Now the calendar icon on the sidebar is hidden if all calendars are turned off in settings.
- Resolved issue where the Spark application changes window size when navigating to the calendar
- Corrected the horizontal time display line so it no longer scrolls to a height of less than 4 hours

Stay connected with us at for any questions.

Version 3.16.4

Release updates 06/14/2024:

Today’s update brings you a handful of important fixes to Spark and the Calendar feature in particular.
Calendar Improvements:
– Time Display Fix: we fixed the issue where the calendar showed a 12-hour clock even if you preferred a 24-hour format.
– Better Event Handling: Now you can easily drag and resize events, even when the event details are open. Plus, you can create new events by dragging on the calendar grid.

New Features:
– Quick Switch Shortcuts: Switch quickly between your Inbox and Calendar with new handy shortcuts.
– Custom Time Display: Choose how you want to see your calendar’s time periods, just like in Spark 2!

Additional Enhancements:
– Open Links and Locations: Spark 3 now lets you open addresses and links directly from the location field.
– UI Updates: We’ve made many improvements to the look and feel for a smoother experience.
We hope you love these updates! Stay connected with us at for any questions and keep an eye out for more exciting features!

Version 3.16.3

Release updates 06/14/2024:

Today’s update brings you a handful of important fixes to Spark and the Calendar feature in particular.
Calendar Improvements:
– Time Display Fix: we fixed the issue where the calendar showed a 12-hour clock even if you preferred a 24-hour format.
– Better Event Handling: Now you can easily drag and resize events, even when the event details are open. Plus, you can create new events by dragging on the calendar grid.

New Features:
– Quick Switch Shortcuts: Switch quickly between your Inbox and Calendar with new handy shortcuts.
– Custom Time Display: Choose how you want to see your calendar’s time periods, just like in Spark 2!

Additional Enhancements:
– Open Links and Locations: Spark 3 now lets you open addresses and links directly from the location field.
– UI Updates: We’ve made many improvements to the look and feel for a smoother experience.
We hope you love these updates! Stay connected with us at for any questions and keep an eye out for more exciting features!

Version 3.16.2

Release updates 05/31/2024:

Introducing the highly requested Calendar to Spark!
Streamline your scheduling tasks without leaving your email app.

Spark’s Calendar offers:
– One quick look – get a snapshot of your week’s schedule quickly, allowing RSVPs to events right from your email.
– Effortless meeting planning – view colleagues’ calendars and easily plan meetings.
– Add video conferencing links – connect Google Meet or Zoom in a few clicks to easily add meeting links to your calendar events.
– Minimalist design – the calendar’s clean and intuitive interface ensures that your focus remains on planning, not navigating a complex tool.

We hope you love the calendar as much as we do!

Give it a try, and let us know what you think at

Version 3.16.1

Release updates 05/28/2024:

Introducing the highly requested Calendar to Spark!
Streamline your scheduling tasks without leaving your email app.

Spark’s Calendar offers:
– One quick look – get a snapshot of your week’s schedule quickly, allowing RSVPs to events right from your email.
– Effortless meeting planning – view colleagues’ calendars and easily plan meetings.
– Add video conferencing links – connect Google Meet or Zoom in a few clicks to easily add meeting links to your calendar events.
– Minimalist design – the calendar’s clean and intuitive interface ensures that your focus remains on planning, not navigating a complex tool.

We hope you love the calendar as much as we do!

Give it a try, and let us know what you think at

Version 3.15.5

Release updates 05/10/2024:

In this update we've made some improvements and resolved several bugs:

Spark +AI Fixes:
- Reduced AI token consumption in the 'My Writing Style' logic.
- We addressed AI response issues, including incorrect references to previous correspondence and generating responses on behalf of the recipient instead of the sender.
- Fixed an issue where the AI would rephrase the original email instead of creating a new reply.
- Fixed a bug where AI ignored specific prompts.
- Resolved an issue where AI added an extra signature when composing a new email.

Thank you for choosing Spark! We value your feedback. Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions.

Version 3.15.4

Release updates 04/26/2024:

Hello everyone,

In this update we’ve made some improvements and resolved several bugs:

New Feature – Search by Sender.
You can now search by sender in the Contact popup, Application menu, and Command Center.

Fixes and improvements:
-Unresponsive App: We fixed an issue where Spark could become unresponsive when interacting with specific emails.
-Japanese and Chinese Comment Truncation: Fixed a bug that caused comments to get cut off when sending messages in Japanese or Chinese, instead of letting users switch between character types.

Thank you for choosing Spark! We value your feedback. Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions.

Version 3.15.3

Release updates 05/25/2024:

Hello everyone,

In this update we’ve made some improvements and resolved several bugs:

New Feature – Search by Sender.
You can now search by sender in the Contact popup, Application menu, and Command Center.

Fixes and improvements:
-Unresponsive App: We fixed an issue where Spark could become unresponsive when interacting with specific emails.
-Japanese and Chinese Comment Truncation: Fixed a bug that caused comments to get cut off when sending messages in Japanese or Chinese, instead of letting users switch between character types.

Thank you for choosing Spark! We value your feedback. Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions.

Version 3.15.2

Release updates 04/12/2024:

Hello everyone,

Today we bring you the hotfix update:

- Resolved a crash in the email composer when updating the signature list, enhancing overall stability.
- Badge settings now correctly reflect the accounts selected by the user, ensuring accurate notification badges.
- Fixed several localization issues.

Install the update and share your feedback at

Happy emailing!

Version 3.15.1

Release updates 04/09/2024:

Two heads are better than one!

We're excited to introduce our newest feature: Shared Inbox! 🎉

With Shared Inbox you can invite teammates to collaborate on emails directly within your account for quicker responses.
Perfect for managing shared addresses like info@, support@, or contact@. With Shared Inbox, you can assign and track email progress together, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.
Ready to experience the future of email collaboration? Update your app now and dive into the world of Shared Inbox!

Install the update and share your feedback at

Happy emailing!

Version 3.14.5

Release updates 03/19/2024:

Hi everyone!

Quick update from Spark:

-Resolved Gmail SMTP certificate issue.
-No more losing focus when returning from the browser.

Install the update and share your feedback at

Happy emailing!

Version 3.14.4

Release updates 03/13/2024:

Hello everyone,

There’s more than meets the eye to today’s small yet mighty update to Spark.
– Fixed an issue where emails marked as Done by a non-shared Inbox member would incorrectly show as Done for all team members.
– Fixed a problem with the unexpected closing of the signature selector in the picture-in-picture composer when hovering over the mail list and when you have many signatures.
– Added the option in Settings to turn off auto-suggestions in Composer.

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.14.3

Release updates 02/29/2024:

Hello everyone,

- Changed the limit for manual adding/pasting the samples for My Writing Style functionality.
- Fixed the incorrect icon color for close shared draft chat.
- Removed unexpected team invite confirmation modal when sharing an email

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.14.2

Release updates 22/02/2024:

Spark +AI can now write in your style!

Now Spark can learn to mimic your style and tone. By analyzing the selection of your recently sent emails, Spark +AI can match your writing style, applying it to all new drafts it creates so that you need to do less editing from your side.
Try it out and let us know what you think at

Version 3.13.5

Release updates 02/14/2024:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.13.4

Release updates 02/12/2024:

Hello everyone!

- Fixed an issue with the Deep Link Email Sharing.
- Other bugs and issues.

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.13.2

Release updates 02/02/2024:

Great news everyone!

- Added Deep Link Email Sharing. Instantly generate and copy a deep link for any email from the Command Center, ensuring privacy without needing an internet connection.
- Freeze Issue Resolved. Addressed and fixed a critical bug that was leading to app freezes through memory performance optimization.
- Other bugs and issues.

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.13.1

Release updates 01/17/2024:

Introducing Delegations!
Now you can assign an email to your teammate without the need to forward it or sharing the entire inbox.
Easily set deadlines, privately discuss tasks, and track status of emails assigned to others in the Delegated folder (same as on other Spark platforms!)
Questions, issues, or bugs? Contact, as ever, and we’ll be happy to help.

Version 3.12.1

Release updates 01/12/2024:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.12.0

Release updates 12/21/2023:

Introducing Spark Shared Drafts!

Say goodbye to back-and-forth edits! Meet Shared Drafts! Shared Drafts are designed to loop in teammates to craft emails together in real time easily. Use side-chat to ask questions and get answers from your team when you draft emails. Shared Drafts also allow a teammate to send an email on your behalf.

Feel free to share your feedback at

Version 3.11.0

Release updates 12/13/2023:

Great news everyone!

We’re excited to introduce the new Email Labels feature! Use labels to sort your emails faster. Assign labels to a thread and maintain a clutter-free inbox. This feature is currently available exclusively for Gmail accounts.

Feel free to share your feedback at

Version 3.10.6

Release updates 11/30/2023:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.10.5

Release updates 11/24/2023:

Hello everyone,

In our continuous effort to enhance the user experience, we’ve addressed numerous bugs and stability issues in this update.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We’re committed to providing a seamless experience for all our users.

Feel free to share your feedback at

Version 3.10.4

Release updates 11/20/2023:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.10.3

Release updates 11/16/2023:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.10.2

Release updates 11/14/2023:

Hello everyone,

We’re excited to deliver +AI Prompt History – a feature allowing you to view your previous writing prompts and text iterations for the email drafts created or edited with Spark +AI. You can modify, fine-tune, and reuse your favorites.

Give it a try and drop us a line at

Version 3.10.1

Release updates 11/08/2023:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.10

Release updates 10/31/2023:

Introducing Spark Integrations!

Easily connect with your favorite apps, create tasks and notes directly from your emails, and smoothly integrate with third-party tools.
This game-changing feature will save you valuable time and effort.
Supported third-party apps include TickTick, Todoist, Evernote, OneNote, MeisterTask, Asana, and Trello.
We hope you love this fantastic update as much as we’ve loved making it.

Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.9.2

Release updates 10/20/2023:


In this update, we've added a Neutral tone for the Spark +AI Writing Assistant. Also, we've fine-tuned the Friendly and Formal tones to ensure they are balanced and suit your needs!
Install the update and share your feedback at

Thank you for being an essential part of our community!

Version 3.9.1

Release updates 10/12/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Enhanced Onboarding for new users: Adjust your Spark look during setup based on your preferences. Experience a quicker, more customized introduction, helping you discover the value of Spark faster.
- Various bug fixes and stability issues.

You can contact us anytime with feedback and suggestions at

Version 3.9.0

Release updates 09/29/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Today’s update is all about Group Invitations in Spark! Now you can organize calendar invitations and responses in groups just to keep your Inbox clean. You can ungroup them anytime in Settings.
- Various bug fixes and stability issues.

You can contact us anytime with feedback and suggestions at

Version 3.8.3

Release updates 09/12/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Hotfixes and stability improvements.

You can contact us anytime with feedback and suggestions at

Version 3.8.2

Release updates 09/11/2023:


In this release, we’ve addressed the slow performance issue experienced when switching accounts in Spark. We’ve also resolved a bug with templates containing HTML and a crash that occurred when inserting custom placeholders in the Composer for Templates, among other fixes.
You can contact us anytime with feedback and suggestions at .

Version 3.8.1

Release updates 09/01/2023:

Good day folks!

We apologize for the back-to-back update. In our continuous effort to enhance the user experience, we’ve addressed several bugs and stability issues in this update: fixed some critical crashes and unpleasant bugs.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We’re committed to providing a seamless experience for all our users.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop us a line at

Version 3.8.0

Release updates 08/31/2023:

Introducing a fantastic update with a long-wished-for feature – Templates!
Draft. Save. Reuse.
Spark simplifies the entire process with Templates, saving time and allowing you to communicate with confidence. Say goodbye to repetitive typing or copying from old emails. Your templates are saved and synced across all your devices, ensuring accessibility and consistency wherever you go.

Moreover, our Templates are supercharged with AI.
Use +AI to draft new email templates faster and beat writer’s block. Refine the phrasing, eliminate mistakes, and adjust the tone.
What’s more, when replying to emails, +AI will adapt a template to match incoming email content.

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Share your feedback at

Version 3.7.3

Release updates 08/24/2023:

Hello, this update addresses a bug where the thread would scroll to the top upon opening an attachment.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Version 3.7.2

Release updates 08/23/2023:

Meet +AI Summary in Spark!
Read less. Do more.
Summarize large emails or email threads into a shorter informative version with +AI Summary. It helps you quickly get to the point from the short overview of a long wordy email and understand what needs to be done.
Choose your preferred Summary style from Short, Detailed, and Action Point options. You can even set automatic summaries for preferred senders.

Give it a try and share your feedback with us at

Also we've added few important bugfixes to this release.

Version 3.7.1

Release updates 08/18/2023:

Meet +AI Summary in Spark!
Read less. Do more.
Summarize large emails or email threads into a shorter informative version with +AI Summary. It helps you quickly get to the point from the short overview of a long wordy email and understand what needs to be done.
Choose your preferred Summary style from Short, Detailed, and Action Point options. You can even set automatic summaries for preferred senders.

Give it a try and share your feedback with us at

Also we've added few important bugfixes to this release.

Version 3.7.0

Release updates 08/17/2023:

Meet +AI Summary in Spark!
Read less. Do more.
Summarize large emails or email threads into a shorter informative version with +AI Summary. It helps you quickly get to the point from the short overview of a long wordy email and understand what needs to be done.
Choose your preferred Summary style from Short, Detailed, and Action Point options. You can even set automatic summaries for preferred senders.

Give it a try and share your feedback with us at

Version 3.6.8

Release updates 08/04/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Bug fixes and stability improvements.

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.6.7

Release updates 07/26/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Bug fixes and stability improvements.

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.6.6

Release updates 07/13/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Bug fixes and stability improvements.

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.6.5

Release updates 07/06/2023:

Hi folks,

- Now, if you have email accounts containing less significant information such as shop notifications or password resets, you can conveniently group these emails together, further streamlining your inbox. To adjust these go to Settings -> Inbox.
- Fixed various bug and stability issues.

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.6.4

Release updates 06/27/2023:

Hello everyone,
- Improved email browsing speed for enhanced productivity.
- Fixed email freezing issue for reliable usage.

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.6.3

Release updates 06/21/2023:

Hello everyone,
- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.6.0

Release updates 06/13/2023:

Hello everyone,

In this update we have made few small updates and fixes for the Spark +AI feature.

Feel free to reach us anytime and share your feedback at

Version 3.5.1

Release updates 05/26/2023:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.5.0

Release updates 05/23/2023:

Good news, everyone! The next update is here:

- Introducing Spark +AI! Meet the AI-powered email writing assistant that can help you craft perfect email drafts in seconds! Use Quick +AI replies, generate email drafts, rephrase, adjust tone between formal and friendly, proofread text, and more.
- Dock Action Upgrade: Now enjoy quick actions directly from your macOS dock menu bar
- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Try the update right now and share your feedback with us at

Version 3.4.3

Release updates 05/15/2023:

Good news, everyone! The next update is here:

- We’ve added a ‘Close application to tray’ option in Settings, allowing you to minimize the application to the system tray instead of completely closing it.
- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

Try the update right now and share your feedback with us at

Version 3.4.2

Release updates 05/08/2023:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.4.1

Release updates 04/28/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Bug fixes and stability improvements.

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.4.0

Release updates 04/24/2023:

Good news, everyone! The next update is here:

- Say hello to the Split View feature you've been asking for! Now, you can view your email list and an opened email side by side, without losing context. You can customize your view by enabling or disabling the Split View on the fly depending on your preference.
- Fixed various bugs and stability issues.

If you need us, you can find us at

Version 3.3.7

Release updates 04/14/2023:

Hello everyone:

- We just wanted to give you a quick heads-up that we've disabled the Winter backgrounds on Home Screen. While we loved the cozy vibes they brought during the holiday season, we figured it's time to give Spring a warm welcome with new exciting updates that will be delivered very soon!

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.3.6

Release updates 04/07/2023:

Hello everyone:

- Bug fixes and stability improvements.

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.3.5

Release updates 03/27/2023:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.3.4

Release updates 03/07/2023:

Good news, everyone! The next update is here:

- You can now drag and drop priority emails to other folders in the sidebar. This makes sorting through emails and organizing them much more efficient and intuitive
- We've added a zoom option to Spark, making it easier for you to read and interact with content, no matter your vision needs.
- We know how important it is to be able to quickly and easily send emails, so we've added support for 'mailto:' links and the 'make as default mail app' option.
- Fixed various bugs and stability issues.

If you need us, you can find us at

Version 3.3.3

Release updates 02/09/2023:

- Stability improvements

If you need us, you can find us at

Version 3.3.2

Release updates 02/08/2023:

Hello everyone,

We’re excited to announce a bunch of new features and improvements in our next update!

Here’s what you can expect:
- Group your emails by sender with ease! You can group/ungroup emails by sender using Сommand Сenter.
- Say goodbye to unexpected dialogs with our new ability to close modal dialogs when you click outside of them. It’s a small change that makes a big difference.
- Fixed localization issues
- And last but not least, we’ve been busy fixing bugs and improving stability to make sure your inbox runs smoothly.

Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you! If you need us, you can find us at

Version 3.3.1

Release updates 01/17/2023:

Hello everyone,

Today we bring you the hotfix update:

- Fixed various bugs and stability issues

Thank you to everyone who got in touch with us at

Version 3.3.0

Release updates 01/12/2023:

Our salutations to everyone in 2023!
We’re back to you with the first in this year update that is focused on new features and improvements to Spark:

* Drag & Drop your way to a super organized mailbox - now you can easily move emails to the folders on the sidebar with a simple Drag & Drop.
* Resize sidebar - you can now resize the sidebar to suit your needs.
* Lookin’ good - we’ve added new backgrounds for Home Screen and replaced system dialogs with custom ones to make it more eye-pleasant.
* Date-time rules - now Spark supports your local date format.

Thank you to everyone who got in touch with us at

Version 3.2.2

Release updates 12/15/2022:

Hi folks,

This is the stabilization update:
- Improved stability on Windows.
- Fixed the distance between the mail body and the signature.
- Fixed localization issues.
- Fixed various bug and stability issues.

Thank you to everyone who got in touch with us at
From all of us at Readdle, have a safe, wonderful, and happy holiday season!

Version 3.2.1

Release updates 12/13/2022:

Hey there!

Last week we delivered the major update and today’s version has been polished to a fare-thee-well bringing with it a small number of important fixes:
- Some AZERTY shortcuts didn’t work as expected, now they do.
- Fixed several nasty bugs related to the new sidebar including some small design tweaks.
- Fixed some localization issues.
- Tons of tiny improvements and stability fixes.

Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you!
If you need us, you can find us at

Version 3.2.0

Release updates 12/05/2022:

Your Spark Team is back to you!

Before the final rush of the season we wanted to provide you with one more update that brings a few long-waiting-for features, extra bug fixes, and performance improvements:
- We reconsidered our approach to how you work with the sidebar and added some tweaks there. Now you can stick your sidebar and make it permanently visible for faster navigation across folders. Moreover, we added a neat vertical panel where you can pin the most usable folders without the need to keep the sidebar always open.
- Old but gold. Added the print email feature. We know this feature is essential for many businesses so we tried to deliver it as fast as possible.
- Added some scam protection. Now you can see the authentic web addresses while hovering on links in emails.
- Added AZERTY and DVORAK keyboard layouts, so you can use the shortcuts with ease.
- Numerous bugs and stability improvements.

Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you!
If you need us, you can find us at

Version 3.1.2

Release updates 11/16/2022:

Hey everyone! The new cool update is up ahead:

- Improved pasting experience in composer. Especially visible when pasting text with custom formatting.
- Added Trash, and Delete actions to Command Center while in a Gatekeeper card.
- Removed empty state in groups of emails. If there is only one email left in the group then marking it as done will close the group. No need for extra clicks to close it.
- Numerous bugs and stability improvements.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.1.0

Release updates 10/27/2022:

Hi, folks! Your Spark Team is back to you with one more wonderful update!

- We took care of your eyes with the slick and stylish Dark Mode. No more burned retina during midnight mail check. Available on all your devices.
- A handful of important bug fixes and stability improvements.

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.0.34

Release updates 10/21/2022:

Hello everyone:

- Bug fixes and stability improvements.

if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.0.33

Release updates 10/14/2022:

Good news, everyone! The next update is here:

- Fixed some nasty bugs in the search feature.
- Improved context tips while searching emails in the Sent folder.
- Added numerous bug fixes and stability improvements.

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.0.32

Release updates 10/13/2022:

Hey everyone! There’s more than meets the eye in today’s small, yet mighty update to Spark:

- Corrected a couple of minor typos thanks to our eagle-eyed customers. If you still see any oddities in translations, please let us know right away.
- A handful of improvements for the app stability.

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.0.31

Release updates 10/07/2022:

Hello everyone,

- Fixed numerous bugs and stability issues

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.0.30

Release updates 10/05/2022:

Hi folks,

Today we’re bringing you an update with a handful of fixes:
- Sent with Spark issue. It turns out there was a bug that forced our existing users into a paywall while disabling the Sent with Spark tagline. Please, update your Spark to the latest version, the tagline should be switched off after the update and won’t be displayed in the composer (unless you’ve changed these settings before). Thank you to all who reached out and helped us track down the bug; without you, this fix would not have been possible.
- Corrected localization issues in different languages
- Mentions in shared threads are working again
- Numerous bug fixes and stability issues

And, as usual, if you have any questions or suggestions, please, drop us a line at

Version 3.0.29

Readdle launches an all-new Spark email app with the Home Screen, Gatekeeper, Mark as Done & Set Aside features, and Windows compatibility!

Spark empowers you to focus on what’s important and ignite your productivity. Bring multiple email accounts into one inbox and use Spark’s powerful tools to prioritize, organize and collaborate like never before.

Build better email habits with the Home Screen
We aim to help you check your inbox less often and reduce the time spent on email. That’s why you’ll first see the Home screen after opening Spark. It will gently suggest you check your inbox only a few times a day and provide shortcuts to process important emails without opening your inbox.

Reclaim your focus with Priority
Never miss an email from important senders by marking them as Priority. Emails from priority senders sit at the top of your inbox for quick identification.

Take control of your inbox with Gatekeeper
Pre-screen new senders and decide who is allowed to email you. Block unwanted senders in one click.

Refine your workflow with Group by Sender
You can group emails from any sender together, and they’ll only take up a single row, which is great for optimizing your inbox.

Master your inbox with Mark as Done & Set Aside
Keep your inbox clutter-free by marking your tasks as done when they’re complete and setting aside emails for a more convenient time.

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