Be better with email as a Team
Private in-line comments, shared emails and drafts reinvent the way we use email. Create, comment, share and get work done as a team.
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Private in-line comments, shared emails and drafts reinvent the way we use email. Create, comment, share and get work done as a team.
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Manage an inbox together with your team. Assign emails, just like tasks, and track progress. Perfect for info@, support@, contact@, or sales@.
Watch videoInvite teammates to create emails together in real-time. Use real-time editor and a side-chat to talk to colleagues, ask questions and give feedback about the email.
Write email reports
Proofread sales pitches
Compile projects updates
Discuss specific emails and threads with teammates. Privately comment on an email to add context you need for a better response. Keep internal and external communication together.
Discuss customer stories with a team
Privately note important details for your team
Get help from expert on the team
Revolutionary email team functionality on top of Spark features for
personal email will make you love your email again.
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